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The Kentucky coffeetree (Gymnocladus dioicus, Fabaceae) is an ecological paradox. A rare tree in nature in eastern and central North America, G. dioicus produces legumes that are only known to be dispersed by water, but appear similar to fruits consumed and dispersed by elephants and rhinoceros. One would expect the pods to be consumed by livestock, but the pulp and seeds are toxic to cattle and sheep. We examine the puzzle of G. dioicus dispersal in light of its other reproductive and life history characteristics and find that it probably is a botanical anachronism, in terms of both a set of dispersal agents long extinct and habitats, including what we term megafaunal disclimaxes, which have disappeared. Large seeds, the megafaunal gestault of the fruit, a dioecious mating system, and shade-intolerance combined with vigorous cloning suggest a widely dispersed pioneer of Miocene through Pleistocene habitats profoundly altered by large-mammal herbivory. As to what ate it, we can only say there were once many candidates. We hypothesize that the plant is an ecological anachronism, sinking to extinction in the wild.  相似文献   
西双版纳热带植物园引种植物物候特征比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
迁地保护是生物多样性保护的重要手段之一,前期的植物引种研究呵为迁地保护提供必要的理论支持。通过对西双版纳热带植物园内不同来源的引种植物和本地植物的4个物候期(萌叶期、落叶期、开花期和果熟期)分布格局及其气候影响因子进行对比,阐明引种植物对环境的适应性和对策。结果表明,引种植物比本地植物萌叶生长盛期更长,但对低温和干旱更加敏感的引种植物,在旱季其落叶比例明显高于本地植物,而3、4月由于气温的回升,使引种植物和本地植物在雨季之前就进入了萌叶盛期。而在繁殖物候方面,由于受气候因子影响较小,引种植物和本地植物的开花期和果熟期格局季节性表现都不明显。且规律性不强。总体上,各来源地的引种植物能根据环境的改变形成相应的生长与繁殖适应对策,可较好地适应西双版纳的环境。  相似文献   
There is insufficient information regarding the factors affecting the environmental impacts of alien species. In particular, little is known about whether there is any relationship between the invasiveness (establishment and spread) of an introduced species and its per capita impact. We experimentally assessed the relationship between the extent of spread of up to 29 alien plant species and their impact on recruitment of native tree species in Amani Botanical Garden, Tanzania. We also studied the effects of allelochemicals of selected alien on native plant species to assess potential mechanisms of impact. We found no relationship between the extent of spread of an alien tree species and their impact on seed germination, seedling survival, and seedling communities of native trees in their understory, and no indication that allelochemicals consistently explain their effects on recruitment of the studied species. These results suggest that extent of spread cannot be used as a proxy for impact. Hence, managers should continue assessing both the spread and the impact of alien species when prioritizing alien species for management.  相似文献   
Corky root disease of tomato caused by Pyrenochaeta lycopersici is an economically important disease in organic tomato production. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of various composts consisting of green manure, garden waste and horse manure against corky root disease through bioassay under greenhouse conditions, where soil naturally infested with P. lycopersici was used as a root substrate. The various composts were mixed at a rate of 20% (v/v) with the infested soil. Disease severity (measured as infected roots) in the unamended soil was compared with that in the soil–compost mixtures. One of the composts made from garden waste significantly reduced the disease, whereas horse manure compost significantly stimulated it. Lower concentrations of NH4‐N and total carbon and a higher concentration of Ca in the substrate were correlated with lower level of corky root disease. Addition of green manure or garden waste compost to the infested soil increased total microbial activity or population density of copiotrophic bacteria and actinomycetes, respectively. However, increased microbial activity or microbial population in soil–compost mixtures was not associated with a reduction in corky root disease severity in the present study.  相似文献   
南京市老城区行道树的组成及结构分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对南京市老城区125条主要路段行道树的种类组成及结构特征进行了分析。结果表明,研究区内的行道树共有乔木27种、灌木24种,其中悬铃木〔Platanus acerifolia(Ait.)Willd.〕、香樟〔Cinnamomum camphora(L.)Presl〕、国槐(Sophora japonica L.)、水杉(Metasequoia glyptostroboides Hu et Cheng)、女贞(Ligustrum lucidum Ait.)、雪松〔Cedrus deodara(Roxb.)G.Don〕和枫杨(Pterocarya stenoptera C.DC.)是南京市老城区行道树群落的优势种,决定了道路绿化景观的外貌;在7种优势树种中,悬铃木的年龄结构属稳定型,香樟、国槐和女贞处于增长阶段,水杉、雪松和枫杨则趋于老龄化。在行道树配植的4种垂直结构类型中,乔木单层结构最多,占52.8%;乔灌两层和乔灌草三层结构所占比例相近(21.6%和22.4%);乔草两层结构最少(3.2%)。本研究结果对南京市行道树的合理配置具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
广东中山市五桂山野生观赏植物资源调查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
据笔者现场调查统计,中山市五桂山共有野生观赏植物88科157属191种。其中蕨类植物15科25属29种,裸子植物3科3属4种,被子植物70科129属158种。分析了中山市五桂山野生观赏植物资源的基本特性和用途,并就其保护和开发利用进行了探讨。  相似文献   
南京近郊自然湿地维管植物群落特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选择南京近郊2处自然湿地为研究对象,采用GPS定位、野外标本采集、Braun-Blanquet多盖度等级法和Shannon-Wiener物种多样性、Simpson生态优势度和群落均匀度指数研究南京湿地植物群落的种类组成、群落类型及其数量特征。结果表明南京湿地有维管植物104种,隶属于93属45科,其中有国家Ⅱ级保护植物4种,包括水蕨、野大豆、野菱和莲;属和种的地理成分分析表明,该区维管植物区系以温带成分为主,同时热带成分也占一定的比例;该区湿地植被分为3个植被型,3个植被亚型,16个群系;湿地植物群落的物种多样性指数偏低,其中七里河湿地的物种多样性高于滁河入江口。根据南京湿地维管植物群落的特征,并结合当前存在的问题,提出南京近郊自然湿地的保护对策。  相似文献   
南京市区景观破碎化过程中的斑块规模结构动态   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
张明娟  刘茂松  徐驰  王磊 《生态学杂志》2006,25(11):1358-1363
基于南京市1988、1998和2003年3期TM影像,将农田、林地、居民聚居地及在建用地按斑块面积分为16个级别,研究了景观破碎化过程中,不同级别斑块数量的变化情况。结果表明,农田面积持续萎缩,破碎度上升,中小型斑块数量以较稳定速度增长;林地总面积略有波动,大中型斑块数量较为稳定,而中小型斑块受城市化进程影响,数量高度不稳定;居民聚集地在1988~1998年以在原有基础上扩张为主,在1998~2003年出现了大量新斑块,且两个时段的各级别斑块数量增长率呈极显著负相关;在建用地数量迅速增长,土地利用更加规模化。以上表明,斑块类型和大小对斑块的稳定性及变化趋势均有影响。  相似文献   
The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) advocates an increase of the number of botanical gardens throughout the world as one of the measures that can help to preserve the world's biodiversity. To implement this strategy, the present work brings forward a suggestion particularly suited to tropical regions: establishing municipal botanical gardens. It refers to the experience of a newly opened municipal botanical garden in Brazil, comparing its attractive power on visitors to that of other botanical gardens included in the Brazilian network of Botanical Gardens. It also presents considerations on in situ conservation in small remnants and on the importance of urban reserves to preserve the regional biodiversity and spread the conservationist philosophy. The present proposal promotes the participation of local communities making the public opinion more aware and active, besides being able to counterbalance proposals that support protecting the world biodiversity through interventionist actions. It assumes that, through actions planned and coordinated by regional and national botanical garden networks, the measure proposed can mitigate the anthropic actions exerted on important natural reserves all over the world.  相似文献   
南京市城乡交错带景观格局研究   总被引:21,自引:7,他引:14  
依据景观生态学理论,选取典型样区,在遥感和地理信息系统的支持下。分析了南京市城乡交错带的景观生态特征.结果表明。东部样区以景观多样性、优势度和破碎度较低为基本特征。林地等自然嵌块体的面积和平均周长较大,而平均分维数、平均伸长指数和分离度较低,菜地和水田嵌块体的平均面积也高于南部样区;南部样区景观多样性及优势度高,嵌块体数目多,景观破碎化较严重。居民点及工矿用地和水域的密度高、总面积及周长大。居民点及工矿用地和道路的平均面积也较高.探讨了两个样区嵌块体面积与分维数、嵌块体数目之间的关系,指出城乡交错带不同类型嵌块体景观特征及生态意义.  相似文献   
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